EXCLUSIVE: New "weight-loss fizzy tablets" are hottest new trend in the UAE. Mother of two from Mekka lost 18 kg in 4 weeks!
Almassa al-Amin reported a sensational story of weight loss. So, our readers, the editors investigate details of the new diet with Keto Guru to find out - is it really this good?!
Almassa, professional journalist, is exploring a weight loss procedure that becomes more and more popular in the UAE.
(Mother's Health).
In the last three months our readers have gone crazy about new Internet sensation, a natural remedy called Keto Guru. It has helped thousands of women around the world to reduce weight and eliminate belly fat drastically. This revolutionary "holy grail of weight loss" has been championed on several television programs. Keto Guru is 100% natural and truly effective.
Even celebrities such as Vicky Pattison, Jessica Simpson, Ricky Gervais and Jonah Hill have lost weight with these fizzy tablets. Clinically proven results! Quickly burn all stored fat, detox, rejuvenate, and accelerate metabolism. All to prevent the body accumulating fatty deposits in the future.
As it is often found in our investigations into weight loss, this process is generally difficult with only minor or temporary results.
However, after extensive research and interviews with users of Keto Guru we can say this is a BREAKTHROUGH in dietology. Read on to find out why we have dedicated this issue to Keto Guru.
Try now!
"I lost 12 kilos!" says Sabiyya
Most diets fail because they impose unrealistic restrictions on living. Some say we need to eat a lot of protein, others carbohydrates... In both cases, you are making a fairly important change in your eating habits.
In this special issue we'll check out this winning weight loss system that doesn't require dieting or exercise, and, more importantly is completely safe. It's a true weight loss revolution.
Maybe you've already heard about the famous Keto Guru fizzy tablets on TV. They contain aminobutyric acid, magnesium, l-glutamine, B group vitamins, and potassium.
All these ingredients are designed to burn off excess fat and speed up metabolism.
Studies carried out at the prestigious UCLA research centre in Los Angeles on Keto Guru tablets showed that regular use can speed up metabolism and the body's ability to burn fat by 318%.
But after the success of Keto Guru, many counterfeit products appeared on the market - which are completely ineffective and risky.
Yet original Keto Guru has amazing effectiveness and exceeded our wildest expectations. Those using Keto Guru significantly reduced their weight and became more energetic and active. Sceptical? Well we were too when we first heard about these sensational weight reductions and doubted their effectiveness.
So we studied the stories of those who lost weight with Keto Guru. We were especially interested n a fact that these people didn't change how they lived.
The result of a diet with Keto Guru: Our readers lost at least 6 kg in just one month!
Marjaana from Saar lost more than 18 kg in just 5 weeks using effervescent Keto Guru tablets. In her blog she wrote:
"It was so easy - I didn't change anything and the fat just melted away...finally, something that works!"
Another comment from Hujja
Once I was selected to try the natural fizzy tablets from Keto Guru,because I decided to lose about 9 kg before my wedding in 3 months. They sent me Keto Guru, and I received it in a couple of days.
I was totally confident about Keto Guru, because it had good results in clinical trials and was approved by research laboratories with strict quality and control. It's one of the most concentrated and pure products for weight loss in the market.
Keto Guru has been scientifically proven to
Normalise hormonal levels;
Regularise metabolic processes, strengthen skin, hair and nails;
Regulate metabolism, promote better absorption of nutrients;
Reduce cholesterol, regulate gastrointestinal tract;
Eliminate toxins, burn fat and activate the cell repair process.
I took Keto Guru twice a day dissolved in water for about a month.
My Results: I lost more than 11 kilos in a month - down 3 dress sizes. I'm so happy.
First week:
After a week using the fizzy tablets, I was surprised how quickly they started to work. I also became more energetic and almost did not want to eat - Keto Guru reduces appetite and cravings for sweets. I felt great.
And most importantly, I didn't change a single thing in my everyday life. On the 7th day I got on the weighing scales and couldn't believe my eyes. I'd lost 5 kilos! But I wasn't too enthusiastic, because I had been told that the first thing lost is body liquid. I waited to see what would happen next...
Second week:
After the second week I became even more energetic, and my mood improved. Another advantage was that I started sleeping well throughout the night. Only 2 kilos remained to be shed, and in only 2 weeks I'd lost 6. That's when I got that Keto Guru isn't just an advertising gimmick, but the real deal.
Third Week:
After 3 weeks all my doubts had vanished. I lost another 2 kg. I'd lost all I wanted! Although generally at the end of the third week of dieting the body is tired, with Keto Guru I felt full of energy and stronger. And my digestion improved, and swellings disappeared.
Fourth week:
After the fourth week, the final results were incredible, I'd lost 11 kg per month thanks to Keto Guru. The results are really impressive. On the Mum's Health editorial board, everyone congratulates me and wants to try it, too! It feels SO GREAT to lose the weight and have so much energy.
Of course, I'll continue taking Keto Guru for a while, since the remedy contains antioxidants and vitamins that delay ageing and makes the skin absolutely radiant.
I feel so happy with my new slim figure...
And the wedding dress fits perfectly!
I lost 11 kilos in 4 weeks without special diets or exercises.
So if you still doubt the effectiveness of Keto Guru, try it yourself. Our test showed that the results are real. On the editorial board of Mum's Health we study more than 100 diets a year, and we quickly became convinced that Keto Guru really does work. After our investigation, we are pleased to announce that the test was successful.
IMPORTANT: * During clinical trials, it was shown that to achieve similar results the product should be used ON A REGULAR BASIS.
for our readers!
Ladies, we don't usually write reports like this, but this product must be shared!
Try it and tell me what you think!
We're interested in your opinion!
Written 1 hour ago
I heard about this product on television, but I didn't know where to get it. Luckily, I found this website - which also has a discount. So I don't pay the full price in case it doesn't work - hope it does though!
Written 1 hour ago
I kept delaying my diet, but today I ordered these fizzy tablets. Thanks for the support!
Iyaad al-Sadri
Written 2 hours ago
Hello everyone! I saw the effervescent tablets on TV, and I will order them while the offer lasts. But please could you tell me if the product works for guys too. Don't forget us next time, LOL!
Written 2 hours ago
My husband and I tried the product, thanks.
Written 2 hours ago
My mother found out about this product at work. I think it works well.
Anbara al-M.
Written 3 hours ago
I ordered these fizzy tablets 3 weeks ago, although they were out of stock at that time. Once I got them, the results are really incredible, I didn't think natural remedies could work so well.
Written 3 hours ago
Is it really 100% natural? I will try in that case -I don't want any chemical product or medication.
Written 4 hours ago
I started taking these fizzy tablets! I've been taking them for just a week, but I already feel more energetic and active.
Written 4 hours ago
I buy a lot of stuff on the Internet - but I hadn't heard of Keto Guru What a fantastic product - thanks!
Samraa el-Baksh
Written 5 hours ago
Who'd imagine such results? I'll follow your link to order this product right away!
Written 5 hours ago
I don't want to miss this offer! Send the link, please.
Layaali el-Iman
Written 5 hours ago
Buy only from the official manufacturer here, avoid counterfeits: ineffective and risky.ORDER NOW!